Donaldsons Lodge Methodist Church

Donaldsons Lodge, Nr Cornhill on Tweed, Northumberland TD12 4XN

Service Dates & Preachers.Ā Services commence at 11.00am

Date Details
2nd JuneCircuir Service Rev Kim Hurst 11:00Followed by lunch
9th JuneMr George Scott
16th JuneRev Ranald Wylie - S
23rd JuneOwn Arrangement
30th JuneLord Alan Beith
7th JulyRev Kim Hurst - S
14th JulyMrs Sue Aspden
21st JulyMrs Sylvia White
28th JulyMr Andrew Black
4th AugOwn Arrangement
11th AugMr Sean Wragg
18th AugRev Linda McMurray - S
25th AugMrs Sylvia White

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Sitting at the heart of this hamlet, Donaldsonā€™s Lodge serves both the local community and several villages around the area.
Worship would best be described as traditional and the average congregation ranges from 12-20.
Services are led by our Minister or one of our preachers/retired ministers from across the circuit.