Summer Presence Reflection

Now that Summer presence has ended, I have had a short time to reflect on the events of the last 2 weeks


I'm not sure if any of you are gardeners and will be familiar with sowing seeds and nurturing seedlings but with at least 1055 people through the door at Presence, there has been the opportunity for over a thousand seeds of the gospel of Jesus to be sown.

Jesus told a story about a farmer who was sowing seeds (Matthew, Chapter 13). He explained that as the farmer sowed (by hand), the seed will land in all sorts of places. Therefore some will germinate and others won't.


We have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of sharing God's love with others during Presence and although we would love all the

seed that has been sown to land in fertile soil, it isn't for the sower to worry about where it will land but to sow the seed nonetheless.

We hope that over the last 2 weeks we have shown Christ's love in action through serving, greeting, baking, washing up, cleaning, clearing up, working with children,

talking to people, praying ....... We pray that many of those seeds will germinate and be nurtured!                         God bless you.



Easter Day 31st March

Following from last week's blog, we are thinking of What Kind of Man Jesus Christ is. Easter day is a time for celebration when we exclaim:


Christ the Lord is risen today! Hallelujah!


What kind of Man was able to suffer the agonies of Good Friday, when he was brutally tortured, beaten, spat up, flayed and then died a cruel death on a cross, yet on the third day he had broken the bonds of death and was alive? "He is not here; he has risen!" Luke 24: 6


Incredible as this may seem - that is what we celebrate on Easter day.

I have summed up the last few days with a meditation called Salvation:


The story of the cross

Is a story of Your love.

Love that was tested, tormented, tortured

Love that was betrayed, battered, bruised

Love that stayed the course

Until all life had gone from your body.

Your body, broken for me.

Your blood, shed for me.

All life gone.


A life full of energy, empathy, enigma.

A life that had saved others,

Healed the damaged & fed the hungry.

Taught, trained, travelled,

in control of creation.

You celebrated life & welcomed all.


A life snuffed out in its prime

A body now lifeless, limp, lost.

The weight of sin laid on you.

Crushing, cursing, crucifying.

You did this for me.

You didn't deserve this.

It leaves me ashamed,

That I have contributed to this pain.


But that wasn't the end!

Power, purity, payment,

You live again!

Alive, accepting, amazing,

You forgive me.

I come before you

Even though I am not worthy.


I need to be cleansed.

Pride, possessiveness, prejudice,

The things that get in the way.

Anger, ambition, avarice.

I can't do it alone.

Forgive me when I fail,

And I fail so often, so frequently, so miserably.

Forgive me.


I need you Lord Jesus

To take control,

to lead, love, liberate.

To guide and strengthen me.

Let me live in you

As you live in me.

Grace, goodness, gentleness,

Leading me to do your will,

Spirit filled, cleansed, healed.



Sue Aspden



Palm Sunday 24th March 2024 -  Who is this man?


Sunday 24th March is Palm Sunday. The day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem amid shouts of acclamation. But by the end of the week things were so, so different.  But who is this man who:

    • Came, riding on a donkey `When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it'. Mark 11:7


    • Allowed a woman to anoint his head with expensive Oil of Nard `a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table.' Matthew 26:6


    • Washed his disciples feet `after that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.' John 13: 5


    • Shared a meal them, even though they would betray, deny & desert him "The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will betray me.' Matthew 26: 23


    • Prayed in anguish - `Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.' Luke 22:42


    • Allowed himself to be arrested `Then the detachment of soldiers with its commander and the Jewish officials arrested Jesus. They bound him' John 18:12


    • Endured torture, beating, lies, injustice without protesting his innocence "And they struck him on the head with a reed stick, spit on him, and dropped to their knees in mock worship" Mark 15:19


    • Was lifted up but to be crucified on a cross `When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along with the criminals-one on his right, the other on his left' Luke 23: 33


    • Forgave those who hated him "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34



Who is this man? - Jesus Christ - a servant King, a man of authority, of humility, loving and forgiving, hating injustice and unbelievably - my Saviour!

Next Sunday is Easter day and we can find out more about what sort of man Jesus is.

Palm Sunday

By Iain Yule | 28 March 2024

  Who is this man? Sunday 24th March is Palm Sunday. The day when Jesus rode into Jesrualm amid shouts of acclamation. But by the end of the week things were so, so different.  But who is this man who: Who is this man? – Jesus Christ – a servant King, a man of authority,…

Easter Sunday

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