Donaldsons Lodge Methodist Church

Donaldsons Lodge, Nr Cornhill on Tweed, Northumberland TD12 4XN

Service Dates & Preachers. Services commence at 11.00am

Date Details
2nd MarchCircuit Service Seahouses 11:00Followed by lunch
9th MarchRev Eddie Sykes
16th MarchRev Tim MooreCovenant Service
23rd MarchMr Sean WraggCarol Service
30th MarchWorship LeadersRuth and Iain Yule
6th AprilRev Tim Moore
13th AprilMrs Sue AspdenPalm Sunday
20th AprilRev Ranald WylieEaster Sunday
27th AprilRev Richard TealD Lodge Anniversary
4th MayRev Eddie Sykes - S
11th MayMrs Sylvia White
18th MayLord Alan Beith
25h MayOwn Arrangement

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Sitting at the heart of this hamlet, Donaldson's Lodge serves both the local community and several villages around the area.
Worship would best be described as traditional and the average congregation ranges from 12-20.
Services are led by our Minister or one of our preachers/retired ministers from across the circuit.