Lindisfarne Methodist Church - Christon Bank

Springfield View, Christon Bank, NE66 3DQ

Service Dates & Preachers - all services at 9am unless otherwise stated.

Date Details
2nd MarchCircuit Service at Seahouse -11:00followed by lunch
9th MarchRev Tim Moore - S
16th MarchNo Service
23rd MarchNo Service
30th MarchNo Service
6th AprilNo Service
13th AprilRev Tim Moore - SPalm Sunday
20th AprilRev Tim Moore 4pmEaster Sunday
27th AprilCircuit ServiceD Lodge Anniversary
4th MayNo Service
11th MayMr George Scott
18th MayNo Service
25th MayNo Service

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As one of the smaller Methodist communities in our Circuit, Christon Bank nestles in the countryside of north Northumberland as a reminder that small can be, and often is, beautiful.

Located 8 miles from Alnwick and 7 miles from Seahouses on the B1430 this unique building is a part of local village life - a reminder of the need for Christian fellowship no matter what size the community.  Originally a Primitive Methodist society established in 1881, this Church plays a vital part in village life.

There is a whist drive every Monday evening and many people gather from different parts of Northumberland. It is a time of fun and fellowship.