Palm Sunday

  Who is this man? Sunday 24th March is Palm Sunday. The day when Jesus rode into Jesrualm amid shouts of acclamation. But by the end of the week things were so, so different.  But who is this man who: desert him “The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with me will…

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Easter Sunday

Following from last week’s blog, we are thinking of What Kind of Man Jesus Christ is. Easter day is a time for celebration when we exclaim: Christ the Lord is risen today! Hallelujah! What kind of Man was able to suffer the agonies of Good Friday, when he was brutally tortured, beaten, spat up, flayed…

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Be Still – Jan 2024 by Sue Aspden

Has anyone been making New Year’s resolutions? I’m not one to start the year with goals like that, but I have been prompted by something I read in my daily devotions a couple of days ago, reflecting on Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you and you have only to keep still” I have…

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Blog and Reflections Be Still – Jan 2024 Has anyone been making New Year’s resolutions? I’m not one to start the year with goals like that, but I have been prompted by something I read in my daily devotions a couple of days ago, reflecting on Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you and…

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Something Ordinary Something Ordinary – 14.08.23 Since my contribution last month, I have eaten lunch with new friends, thoroughly enjoyed a fish and chip tea; I have indulged in a cream scone, enjoyed homemade cakes and munched on scrumptious biscuits (and yes I am still trying to have just `one a day’ but it doesn’t…

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Welcome to our Circuit

Come Follow Me!   Reflection on new role as Mission enabler 10/06/23 – Sue Aspden   Come Follow me – it’s easy to say yes, when Jesus says `follow me’, especially when you are not called to change much about your life. But it is much more difficult to carry out when things need to…

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